Mission Chronicles

Justin + Rebekah + MaryEllen + Shi-Anna + Franklin

“Here am I. Send me!”Isaiah 6:8

Welcome to Our Mission Journey: A Family Called to Impact Lives

Greetings, friends! We are thrilled to invite you into the heart of our mission journey—a journey fueled by faith, family, and a deep calling to make a lasting impact on lives around the world. As a mission family, our purpose goes beyond geographical borders; it's about sharing the transformative love of Christ in tangible ways.

Our Story: A Tapestry of Faith and Adventure

On this site, we open the pages of our story, sharing the moments of faith that have woven together our family's journey. From the initial call that set us on this path to the beautiful tapestry of encounters and challenges, each chapter is a testament to God's guiding hand.

Meet Us Through Video: The Faces Behind the Mission

Visit our video update page to get a glimpse into the faces and voices behind the mission. As we share our hearts, you'll see not just a family, but a team passionately committed to the call of making Christ known.

Capturing Moments: Family and Mission in Pictures

Explore our photo gallery to witness the joy, challenges, and milestones of our mission life. From shared laughter around the dinner table to the profound moments of ministry, these pictures tell the story of our shared journey.

Financial Support: Partnering in Purpose

Discover the current status of our financial support and join us on this mission as partners. Your support is not just financial; it's a vital part of the team, allowing us to reach farther and impact more lives with the love of Jesus.

Thank you for visiting our mission hub. We're excited to share our journey with you and invite you to be a part of the incredible work that God is doing through our family.

Blessings, The Wrights

See what's new with the Wrights

Check out some of our favorite snapshots over the years! 

Have we told you what's going on recently? Read about our call to the mission field!

Fundraising is where the rubber meets the road. Look at our support schedule, and consider joining our team!